Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Open Letter to Chicago Cyclists

Dear Fellow Chicago Bicyclists,

I feel your pain. I know that a lot of drivers here act like it's their life mission to mow you down whilst simultaneously sipping their McCafe and updating their Twitter pages on their iphones. I also know that it must be frustrating to have spent hours working on perfecting every gear and line on your fancy, speed-demon roadbike (for you Loop folks) or fixed gear masterpiece (for you Logan Square/Wicker Park types) only to be caught behind the rest of us, just attempting to trundle along at a non-breakneck speed and not get run over by the previously mentioned motorists. And yes, I agree that it is just generally annoying that Mayor Daley is pictured smiling in full color on the free city bike maps, but has yet to actually fix many of the main thoroughfares that currently provide the average Chicago biker with any number of potholes, metal grates, and poorly marked bike lanes. Seriously, I really empathize with you, my cycling peers.

Still, are these good reasons for not signalling, whipping around us slower bikers like a bat out of hell without any warning, and riding on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD? Because really, you make us all look like d-bags when you pull that nonsense. Yup, d-bags. Also, I know I'm not your mom (probably), but sweet Saint Jehosaphat, just wear a helmet, because when you don't, I look like this:

I like looking like this about as much as you like looking at me looking like this. So let's just not, okay?

Reduce, Reuse, and Recyclyingly Yours,

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