Thursday, May 14, 2009

new career goal: scooby doo villain

so my nonsensical post about a haunted house was motivated by the end of a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad lease that's over and i don't want to talk about it. but i do want to get even.

and i've thought long and hard about how to handle this. flaming pile of dog doo on my property manager's doorstep? breaking into his office? some sort of legal action to bar him from slumlording all over this city? but these are too blase and utilitarian! who will remember a flaming bag of poo ten years down the line? how will a lawsuit let the world know that the fellow has no right to manage property?

the answer, obviously, can be found in Scooby Doo. this is EXACTLY the sort of problem that can be solved by making it look like a house is haunted! think about it - who would want to rent a house if they will just be bothered by an pirate's ghost or a mummy from space or a swamp monster? nobody. it's the perfect crime.

anyway i'll keep you posted about this scheme. i should probably watch a lot of Scooby Doo to prepare...


  1. i really, really liked your haunted house post.

    this 'comment' section is just for me to tell you guys how much i love your posts, right? because that's how i'm going to use it.

  2. I fully support that use of the "comment" section. I'm also nick-naming it com/con (comment conversation) because I like giving nick-names to all blog related items (or adding the word blog to them).
