Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tweetaly tweetaly deet

Dear Guy (an inter-blog memo),

You were the last non-tweeting vestige of my life. John (my brother) hit that shit long ago, but I said Facebook Status Updates were satisfying my need to broadcast my mundane daily activities. Now everyone's mad at Facebook. Last week, Joe (boyfriend), joined Twitter and has replaced tweeting for absolutely all human interaction, including speaking with his girlfriend. No joke, i actually had to text him the other day while we were both in our tiny, one room apartment, just to get his attention.

And now with you, my blogging-partner-in-crime on this Tweeting business, I am considering it. After all, I do lots of inconsequential things I would like the world to know about.

Watch out, World. And Twitter. Here I come.

p.s. yes, this letter gradually transitioned from being a letter to guy to a letter to the world. give me a break. i'm still getting used to this blog thing.

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